Tuesday, May 18, 2010

An Educated Consumer Can Be the Best Patient

I lived in New York City for 12 years and one of my favorite stores was called Syms. For those who do not know the store it was, and still is, a place to buy designer clothing at discount prices - same quality/lower price. It was a very busy place and it took a lot of rooting through things to find the real bargains. Well known brands were mixed with less well known, and often inferior, brands.

Sym's motto was well known by all New Yorkers. "An educated consumer is our best customer." Quite simply if you know the designer brands you like, and what they cost at Bergdorfs then you are likely to recognize true bargains when you find them at Syms.

How does this relate to medical care? For most procedures it's important to know how to prepare, what to expect and what recovery involves. The actual procedure, or options, are usually based on the doctors recommendation.

If you are interested in cosmetic surgery you need to start by deciding your goals. The next step is to find out what procedures can help achieve these goals. The more you know about the procedure you are seeking, the more likely it is that you can make a good decision in selecting the provider. And the more likely you can get the quality you seek for a price you can afford.

There are a number of good resources for people seeking cosmetic surgery. Here's a site that is growing in popularity. Called RealSelf it's where real people talk about their experiences and costs. Take a look. It's interesting and has some good information.


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